Professional Supervision

How often do you review your work practices – take time out to reflect on your practice as a professional; on the quality of service you offer; on what you are learning about yourself in the process? As an effective professional it is imperative that you find the time and space to engage in reflect practice so that you can  “know in action through reflecting upon practice”.

Whether you have been on a path of personal growth for a while, or you are new, it’s likely that you are aware of the value of taking time out to reflect on your life and work and to integrate the learning and wisdom from this reflection back into your daily life. Many of us experience fear, doubt, uncertainty, procrastination, over-doing, overwhelm, confusion, worry, indecisiveness, perfectionism and discouragement on a daily basis. How do we face these issues, learn to understand them and their meaning in our lives, so they do not become barriers to our success, growth and development.


What is Reflective Practice / Supervision?

Reflective practice is commonly known as Supervision and not to be confused with line management, which is also often called supervision. Reflective practice enhances ‘seeing’, the seeing into one’s practice, the illumination of subtle processes in our work conversations and of blind spots in oneself and in one’s thinking. This understanding of ‘Supervision’ is therefore something that the supervisee takes away with them – an enhanced view, a ‘super-vision’ of one’s practice. It provides the opportunity to stop, notice, reflect, explore new thoughts and ideas, and engage in an action learning approach, which supports you through planning, action, reflection and the implementation of new learning and awareness. By engaging in reflective practice we can develop more collaborative and responsive ways of managing both ourselves and the organisations in which we work.


Where Can You Explore?

– Without limits

– Without fear

– Where can you think out loud?

– Where can you listen to yourself?

– Make new meaning from existing situations


The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates


What is the value of Reflective Practice / Supervision?

  • Opportunity to raise issues – It helps us to make sense of and understand difficult and complex work situations
  • Explore problems – to gain more clarity going forward
  • Consider new ways of handling the situations and oneself – opportunities for ongoing learning and development
  • Safe and supportive – a place of reassurance
  • An opportunity to receive support – practical, emotional and share resources and ideas.


Knowing in action by reflecting upon practice

Elizabeth provides Reflective Practice / Professional Supervision for both individuals and groups / teams


To find out more about how engaging in reflective practice supports you to become more effective in your work

Contact Elizabeth at   or call +353 86 8037712