This dream has taken many years to come to birth, the gestation has been long, yet the delivery was surprisingly quick. I have told and re-told myself the story of the dream, until I knew it so intimately, that one day I woke up in the golden light and knew this was the birthday. To bring a dream to birth takes courage, perseverance, some difficult choices, commitment, self-belief, finances and a mid-wife.
During the gestation period I read books, took umpteen courses, completed a couple of Masters Degrees, followed the gurus and had long, meaningful and sometimes challenging conversations with both my coach and my supervisor. I reared a family with my husband, went to work daily, and carried out all the chores involved in running a home – all the time harbouring the ‘Dream’. There were many conversations with myself and others that began with “I can’t …because….”
I dream, therefore I become
– Cheryl Grossman
Then one day – no day in particular, the thought changed. I sat with my friend and Parent Coach Val who helped deliver the dream. As was often the tradition in the Ireland of old, the midwife suggested the name for the newly born. Val gave me the inspiration for EGB Soulpreneurs.
Every great event begins with a dream.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Dreams are magic if you apply sweat and determination
– Maurice Duffy CEO Blackswan
So the dream is growing and my mission is to continue to nurture, feed and develop it so that EGB Soulpreneurs can be a source of support and nourishment to our Soulpreneur community.
Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate.
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labour and to wait.
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Which day will your dream come to birth?
Contact me to support the delivery of your dream